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Questions? Check our our FAQ below

Our most frequent questions and answers

Do you have children’s classes?

Yes we do! Currently we offer our Kids’ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Program. Children 16 and older are welcome to train in our adults programs at the discretion of the head coach and parents.

Is any risk involved?

Yes, in every contact sport there is risk involved. At Basilisk Martial Arts we take every precaution to minimize that risk. By holding our students to a high standard as well as having world class instructors we pride ourselves on having an informed and safe environment.

Do I have to be in shape?

No, a part of the martial arts journey is reaching your individual optimal fitness level. So in our classes you will be constantly improving your fitness and learning to maintain it. We welcome all fitness levels and will work with you towards your goals. 

Is school gear mandatory?

No, unless you are on competition team. We don’t require our students to wear the school’s gear, but like any sport equipment is necessary. We offer several options at varying price points, but students are free to buy their gear outside of the gym. We only require our competition team to wear gear with our logo at competition. We request that you try to wear neutral (no outside gym affiliations) gear.

Do I have to compete?

No you do not. Competition is encouraged and many students do find they enjoy it and do extremely well in competition, however we understand different people have different goals for training. Our main purpose is to help our students achieve their individual goals.

Does my age matter?

Absolutely not. We teach anyone from 5 years old and up. Our current oldest competitor is 63 years young and trains regularly. Our gym is for anyone and age should not be a barrier to training.

What is the difference between Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and American Jiu-Jitsu?

American Jiu-Jitsu (AJJ) shares its roots with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), yet it distinguishes itself through subtle variations in techniques and approaches. Despite these nuances, both disciplines share the same fundamental principles, emphasizing technique, strategy, and mental agility. American Jiu-Jitsu is a fusion of traditional techniques and modern innovation. AJJ welcomes enthusiasts into a world of grappling mastery, offering a unique perspective while retaining the captivating essence of BJJ.

Do you train self defense?

Yes and no. We focus on training for sport with the thought that if you can beat the best, you should be able to handle yourself if the need arose. However, we do not endorse or suggest using Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or any other martial art against anyone with a weapon.